Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Apple Picking 1

Pear-picking... just like at kampung!

The apple and pear farm at Morsten Farm, 180th St, Ames IA

Hooray!!! Here comes the fresh apples!

Wanna some??

The families and kids meeting our new friend, Lynn.

Toriq and apple... can you see the pears on the ground?

A special pose from Fazli

We were having family picnic as well. Offered Lynn and her husband our Malaysian roti kaya!

Kak Nor and family, a newcomer.

Fazli's family, heading to the farm.

The path to the farm.

This activitiy was part of the ISU-IFC's annual activity. All 4 Malay families took the chance to join the activity. We picked apple, pear and raspberry for the first time and took the hayride (riding on the hays) together. It was fun and exciting, especially for the kids.

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